Roatan to Copan Ruins Honduras

Board a private plane from Roatan to the ancient Mayan Empire of Copan. After a one hour flight you will arrive at the ruins. You will have plenty of time to explore the ancient city with a English speaking tour guide, then be treated to lunch at the marina Hotel. By sundown you will be back on a private plane heading for the island. 

Copán was the capital city of a major Classic period kingdom from the 5th to 9th centuries AD. Copán was occupied for more than two thousand years, from the Early Preclassic period right through to the Postclassic. The city developed a distinctive sculptural style within the tradition of the lowland Maya, perhaps to emphasize the Maya ethnicity of the city's rulers.Copán, probably called Oxwitik by the Maya,was a powerful city ruling a vast kingdom within the southern Maya area. The city suffered a major political disaster in AD 738 when Uaxaclajuunl, one of the greatest kings in Copán's dynastic history, was captured and executed by his former vassal, the king of Quirigua.

Trips dependant on minimums, please email us for more information



US Phone:  (210) 888-0704

Honduras Phone:  011 504 9626 1270

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